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Please complete the following fields to register for free Pepper account.
Required fields are noted by bold text and an asterisk (*).

Required Information
  1. The password should consist of following characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and one of the following special characters ~!@#$%^&* and must be 8-16 characters long.
  2. Cannot be the same as Password. Will be shown in any discussions or forums you participate in.
  3. Needed for any certificates you may earn
  4. Needed for any certificates you may earn

  5. My Learners' Profile
  6. In my class, of my students are eligible for Free/Reduced lunch. *
  7. In my class, of my students have an IEP. *
  8. of my students are English Learners. *
  9. About me
  10. Please upload a photo to use with your profile.
  11. Add a bio to your user profile (255 characters max, remain)
    Account Acknowledgements