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The Standards for Mathematical Content in High School: Clusters, Domains, & Learning Progressions

Explore how to integrate the Common Core Standards for Mathematical content into your instruction. Find out about the three major shifts reflected in the Common Core Standards for Mathematical content, review learning progressions and content domains, and understand the research.

About This Course

The Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Content outline the content to be covered in grades K through high school. These standards are organized into content domains based on learning progressions. In this course, teachers will learn about the design and structure of the Standards for Mathematical Content, and how these content standards differ from most states’ previous content standards. In addition to learning about the content standards, this course revisits the Standards for Mathematical Practice which, as you learned previously, describe what it means to do mathematics and what students are doing as they engage in learning the Common Core Mathematics Content Standards.

Course activities include learning about the three major shifts reflected in the standards, exploring learning progressions and content domains, integrating the Standards for Mathematical Practice, and learning from research. Throughout the course, opportunities are provided to connect teachers’ learning across sessions and to explicitly consider the implications of their learning for their classroom practice. The portfolio teachers create in this course provides a ready reference for revisiting key ideas, strategies, and reflections during and after the course.


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Looking to test your mettle? Participate in all of the course's activities (we use the honor code around here) and if your work meets the 85% requirements, you'll receive a personalized certificate to showcase your achievement. You can also apply for course credit (if desired).

Course Staff

Cathy Carroll

Cathy Carroll specializes in mathematics education and mathematics teacher education. She is co-author of Learning to Lead Mathematics Professional Development and Making Mathematics Accessible to English Learners. Cathy served as Director of the Mathematics Renaissance Leadership Alliance, an initiative designed to develop teacher and administrator leadership for quality mathematics programs. She also has nearly twenty years of experience teaching elementary school mathematics.

Angela Knotts

Angela Knotts works in both math education research and professional development at WestEd. Before coming to WestEd, she taught middle school and high school math for eight years, mentored and supervised pre-service teachers at USF, NDNU, and Stanford University, and designed and led professional development experiences for pre-service and in-service teachers.

Katie Salguero

Katie Salguero provides professional development in mathematics and works on math education and evaluation research. She has worked on several large-scale federally funded projects such as Aim for Algebra, Making Middle School Mathematics Accessible to All Students, Learning and Teaching Linear Functions, and CPB-PBS Ready to Learn. Before joining WestEd, she taught middle and high school mathematics.

This course is designed to follow the Introduction to the Standards for Mathematical Practice (High School) course. If you have not yet completed that course, you are strongly encouraged to do so before beginning this course. For more information and to register for the Standards for Mathematical Practice (High School) course, click here.
Cathy Carroll, Angela Knotts, Katie Salguero
Course Code: MA110H
Course Release: May 19, 2014
Estimated Effort: 15 Hours

Suggested Prerequisites:
This course is designed to follow the Introduction to the Standards for Mathematical Practice (High School) course. If you have not yet completed that course, you are strongly encouraged to do so before beginning this course. For more information and to register for the Standards for Mathematical Practice (High School) course, click here.

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