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This course is designed to build the competencies of educators to successfully incorporate the belief systems, effective instructional skills, new models of staffing and service delivery and authentic collaboration into their practice. When these goals are reached at a systemic level, achievement for all students in increased, teacher effectiveness is enhanced and a more positive culture for teaching and learning is realized. 

About This Course

Inclusive education practices, originally associated exclusively with services for students receiving special education services, are now recognized as an essential quality characteristic for all schools and for all students. At a time when students representing broader ranges of diversity are enrolling in K-12 schools; when pressures for stronger teacher competencies, more positive school climates, and more effective and efficient staffing decisions impact the daily business of education, a comprehensive approach to incorporate inclusive practices is required. 


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Course Staff

Frances Stetson

Frances Stetson, Ph.D. is President of Stetson & Associates, Inc., an educational consulting firm specializing in supporting systems change in schools – with a focus on inclusive practices, closing the achievement gap, differentiated instruction and quality standards for instruction and leadership. She is also the Executive Director and sponsor for the Inclusive Schools Network, a website that offers free resources, blogs, and articles on emerging topics in education. This site was recognized as one of the top five resources on inclusive education.

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Course Code: KDS102SDCI
Course Release: Dec 04, 2020
Estimated Effort: 45 hours

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