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In this course participants will learn how to teach narrative writing to third, fourth, and fifth grade students, a requirement of the Common Core State Standards. 

About This Course

In this course participants will learn how to teach narrative writing to third, fourth and fifth grade students. In crafting their own piece of writing, teachers will move through stages of the writing process. Participants will learn through experience how to use picture books to get ideas for personal narrative, how to revise and how to edit in meaningful ways.  As this course is aligned with Common Core State Standards for narrative writing, teachers will come away with a plan for teaching students to write as expected by the Common Core. Teachers will develop a personal course portfolio that will consist of their own narratives, and their plans for implementing narrative writing in classrooms. During this course, participants will use published picture books, becoming familiar with the genre and learning various ways to use it with students.

About Accelerated Literacy Learning

This course was developed by content experts from Accelerated Literacy Learning (A.L.L.).  A.L.L. provides institutes, workshops, onsite and online professional development. If you and your colleagues would like more information about customized professional development with one of our many consultants, including Constance Foland, please contact A.L.L. director, Susan Radley Brown at www.acceleratedliteracylearning.com.


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Simply Audit this Course

Can't commit to all of the lectures, assignments, and tests? Audit this course and have complete access to all of the course material, tests, people, portfolios, and the online discussion forum. You decide what and how much you want to do.

Try for a Certificate

Looking to test your mettle? Participate in all of the course's activities (we use the honor code around here) and if your work meets the 85% requirements, you'll receive a personalized certificate to showcase your achievement. You can also apply for course credit (if desired).

Course Staff

Constance Foland

Constance Foland is a literacy consultant who teaches across the United States. She specializes in balanced literacy, with a focus on reading and writing workshop.  She has written two middle-grade novels, both published by American Girl.
It is strongly recommended that participants in this online course are current classroom teachers or have access to students in order to be able to implement the practicum assignments developed as part of the session activities.
Enter Name of Authors (Author 1 First Name Last Name, Author 2 First Name Last Name)
Course Code: WR103E
Course Release: Aug 03, 2015
Estimated Effort: 6 Hours

Suggested Prerequisites:
It is strongly recommended that participants in this online course are current classroom teachers or have access to students in order to be able to implement the practicum assignments developed as part of the session activities.

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